
Carnival 24 Community Grant Application

All completed grant application forms must be received by the 31st July 2024.
The grant application form is below.

Following the success of Woodchurch Carnival 22 sufficient money was raised to allow the Carnival Committee to distribute funds totalling £3,955 back into the community via grants to eight local organisations and charities.

It is the Committee’s aim to make Carnival 24 even more successful than Carnival 22 thereby allowing us to increase the amount available for distribution to local organisations and charities.

The distribution of any available funds will be achieved by inviting local clubs, societies, organisations or individuals to apply for funding towards a specific that will benefit the residents of Woodchurch

Who is eligible to apply?
Anyone can apply for a grant towards a project providing the project is primarily for the benefit of the residents of Woodchuch. This will typically be Woodchurch based clubs, societies and organisations however groups based outside of Woodchurch can also apply providing they can demonstrate that the money will significantly benefit the residents of Woodchurch.

What is a “project”?
The grants are being offered towards specific “projects” to ensure that the benefit that the money has brought to the village can be identified. The definition of a “project” is broad and in this case it means means for a specifically defined purpose.
Grant applications will not be considered if they are for the purpose of funding the general operating costs of an organisation or for projects that cannot be quantified at the time of application.
Examples of a project could be…

  • The funding of a new piece of equipment for an organisation (ideally available for general use within the village) which will directly benefit the Woodchurch community.
  • The repair, upgrading or replacement of an existing item or piece of equipment that is used by the Woodchurch community.
  • The provision of a service, display or exhibition that is for the enjoyment of Woodchurch residents and visitors to the village.
  • To obtain specific professional advice/consultancy services that will help an organisation to continue to benefit the Woodchurch community.

Who should benefit?
The project should be able to show direct benefits to the Woodchurch community. This may be through direct general benefit to Woodchurch residents, benefits for specific social groups (e.g. the youth, the elderly and the disabled) or through special interest groups within Woodchurch village (e.g. through our diverse clubs and societies). 
When applying, please identify who you consider would benefit from this project and in what form the benefits would take.

How much can I apply for?
In total there is a maximum of £3,000 available that will need to be split between all of the successful grant applications. The amount that any successful application can expect to receive will be dependent on the total amount of money that has been requested across all  applications. Should the total of approved applications exceed the money available then the grant given may be less than the amount that has been requested.

When applying your application should bear in mind the total grant pot that is available.
If your request is too large then it may be felt that your application would be best directed towards other, larger,  grant awarding bodies.
Please do not request grant funding that exceeds the total value of your identified project.
If you are requesting a grant that is less than your identified project cost, please explain where the remainer of the funding will come from. For example, this could be from existing group funds, other grant applications, fund raising events etc.

Please note that any grant money awarded can ONLY be used for the purposes identified in the grant application. The Carnival Committee may require proof that this is the case and any may require the return of any grant money that is deemed to have been used inappropriately.

Project Timeline and success criteria
Please give details of when you are expected to start the project and an expected time for completion. For example:
If you are purchasing a piece of equipment or having a piece of equipment repaired then this would be when you expect it to be ordered and the expected time for delivery/repair.
If you are providing a service, display or exhibition it will be the date that it is expected to take place and how long it will last.

The success criteria will usually be quite simple in that the piece of equipment will have been delivered or repaired and is in use, or that the exhibition or consultancy will have taken place.

Carnival 24 Grant Application Form