
A lot has been going on and we now have a official team looking and bringing the Carnival together, the date set for the Carnival is 4th June 2022.

One of the main tasks now is to raise money and a full cost plan has been developed, we have a target of £5k to make the dream a reality. Our funding team have approached several direct sources and we are looking at some indirect sources now, if you wish to donate please let us know.

We will create a brochure and any person wishing to publicise can contact us enquiries@woodchurchcarnival.uk

Our website www.woodchurchcarnival.uk is now up and running so you can find many links on here to register and get information. We are also appeared on social media look out for us and join please.

Making the dream come true is only good with YOU involved, so please get involved no matter how big or small.